
get to know the catalan capital

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Barcelona; the city famous for its city beaches, the many Gaudí buildings, the '92 Olympics, as it stands a very popular tourism destination. Barcelona has a long and interesting history. A Roman city in the more distant past, the ruins of which you can still see today. A rich medieval history as well, the remnants of which can also still be seen today in the old town (Ciutat Vella), more specifically in the neighbourhoods El Gòtic and El Born (La Ribera). The later constructed neighbourhood Eixample ('the extension or expansion'), though more quiet than the historic centre, has much to offer not just in terms of architecture but also gastronomically speaking. Many of the best bars, restaurants, and cafés are located in this area. Of course, there is Parc Güell and the Sagrada Familia, the impressive constructions by the aforementioned Gaudí. Then there are the Ramblas, Les Rambles, famous the entire world over. Although still beautiful, they have certainly seen better days and aren't the most enjoyable to visit in the middle of summer. Equally illadvised is a day on the beach at la Barceloneta, unless you enjoy big crowds, loudness, and beer sellers every other minute whilst enjoying the sea (which has also seen cleaner days).

Do treat yourself to a stroll around Ciutadella Parc to enjoy the romantic aura of the park, especially with the newly restored Hivernacle and Umbracle. Two greenhouse buildings in the Modernist style that give a sense of being in a different era.
Barcelona is perfectly situated to explore many of the surrounding areas, and the train connections are excellent for this too. Some of the most beautiful places to explore are: Montserrat, La Floresta, Collserola, and El Garraf. This is where you can get your fill of nature and fresh air.

And a last piece of advice from a local: Barça is the football club, not an abbreviation for Barcelona. People say either Barna or BCN. If you go to visit; make sure to support local shops & cafés (not the chain restaurants and shops), pick up some Catalan before going, and make sure to treat the city with the love it deserves.


My favourite spots in Barcelona

Lodetto Café

Lodetto is run by two brothers: Ignacio and Agustin from Argentina. They value connecting with their customers, seeing people make connections in their café, and make really good coffee.

Carrer de Valldonzella 36, Ciutat Vella, 08001, BCN

Come for the coffee, stay for the decor, the people, the many dogs that stroll in, and the new friends you might make along the way!

How to get to Lodetto

Situated right in the centre of Barcelona, you can walk, cycle, or if you're coming from further away, take the metro!

el Mas Vell

Okay, technically this one isn't in Barcelona. But it's worth the short drive or train journey to get to. Nearly every birthday or celebration you'll find me here.

Carrer de Barcelona 2, 08320, El Masnou, BCN

With the old masia from the 14th century, the breeze coming from the Mediterranean, and the stellar food, this place is special every time.

How to get to El Mas Vell

A 25 minute car ride or 30 minutes on the train to Ocata.

Noah's Coffee

I had the pleasure of meeting the ladies who own and run Noah's coffee sometime last summer. Everyone who I take to Noah's loves it.

Carrer de Bailén 14, Bajos 4a, Eixample, 08010, BCN

Fantastic coffee, a great ambience, always a jug of ice cold water available, and delicious pastries too.

How to get to Noah's Coffee

Located in the neighbourhood Eixample, Noah's is very close to the centre of town. Easy to get to on foot, by bike, or metro/bus depending on where you're coming from!